
Policy Resources

Quick links to some useful Columbia University and Student Council policy resources

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Essential Policies of Columbia University

A catalog of important Columbia University-wide policy resources.

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Community Health Compact

Policies to ensure individual and community health during the COVID-19 era

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Guide to Living

A collection of policies and procedures created by Columbia Undergraduate Housing and Residential Life

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ESC Constitution

Last amended and approved March 11, 2019

ESC Policy Initiatives

Expanding the SEAS curriculum to make Co-ops accessible to students, allowing them to take a semester off to work in areas of interest for longer periods of time, outside of summer internships

Making bathrooms more accessible for everyone, and ensuring each bathroom receives equal attention in keeping it clean to encourage people to use the bathroom they prefer to utilize

Making semesterly course requirements less rigid, permitting students to take the classes they want and need when it best fits their schedule, rather than forcing students to take several classes a semester because they will not be offered the next semester

Incentivizing students to participate in internships to count as technical requirements, allowing them to gain experience while lessening their workload during the school year should the internship be in the summer

For student groups that seek to work on similar projects, having a chair that serves to help coordinate the progress of these projects such that student groups are more successful in providing students with access to successful and beneficial events

Pushing to maximize the potential of Columbia’s sustainability initiatives and encouraging students that live on campus to participate in this effort